Psychological Mechanisms of Intergenerational Communication through the History of the Agavelyan’s Family: In the Ways of the Unknown Pages of the «Normandie-Niemen» Air Regiment

The psychological determinants of the relationship among grandfathers, fathers, and grandchildren of veterans are substantiated. Various viewpoints on the connections within the relationship of these generations are characterized. The intergenerational connection influence on the life and aspirations of the descendants is described. The "Siberian trace" on "Normandie-Niemen" Air regiment is revealed. Documents and memories of the veterans are systematized. The events, the dates of the location, and Service Activities Content of the holder of the Order of the Legion of Honor of the French Republic, Colonel Sergei Agavelyan, in the city of Novosibirsk, were clarified.
Keywords: Intergenerational relations; Siberian technicians and engineers; 19th Reserve Fighter Aviation Regiment; 20th Reserve Fighter Aviation Regiment; the Ob Station; the Tolmachevo Airport; the city of Novosibirsk.
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