Novonikolaevsk Teachers’ Institute: Forgotten History (1 9 1 7 -1 9 2 0 )

The article discusses the issue of the emergence of the first teacher's institutes in Western Siberia in the pre-revolutionary years, shows the rivalry of Siberian cities for the right to open a teacher's institute in their city. The role of A. A. Manuilov, the Minister of Public Education of the first composition of the Provisional Government, is revealed. The names of the first group of teachers who worked at the Novo-Nikolaevsky Teachers' Institute and the names of students who have successfully completed their studies have been named. The biography of A. K. Volnin, the first director of the Novo- Nikolaevsky Teachers' Institute, is presented.
Keywords: Novo-Nikolaevsky Teachers' Institute; A. K. Volnin; Graduates; teachers.
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