Psychological training of military schools g cadets in 6 0 -7 0 s of the last century

Research problem and justification of its relevance The relevance of the psychological training of military personnel ^ is confirmed by the analysis of modern wars and military conflicts, indicating a tendency towards an increase in the ® requirements for the psychological training of military personnel, including cadets of military universities. With an equal stf balance of forces and means, the same technical equipment of troops, only an army whose personnel is morally and psychologically superior to the enemy can count on success, is capable of maintaining psychological stability and the will to win in any situation. The problem of the research lies in the fact that at present high requirements are imposed on the level of psychological readiness of servicemen, but purposeful work on training cadets of military universities to perform service and combat missions is insufficient. Purpose of the research: to study, analyze and generalize the advanced pedagogical experience and the specifics of training cadets in a military university, as well as the role of psychological training in the formation of professionalism of future military specialists in the 60-70s of the last century. The materials of the research are the works of Russian military psychologists and military leaders who analyze the issues of psychological training of future officers. The following methods were used: theoretical analysis, expert assessments, analysis and interpretation of military pedagogical practice. Results. The most important psychological conditions for increasing the effectiveness of training cadets of military schools in the 60-70s of the last century have been identified and analyzed. Advanced military pedagogical experience in organizing the educational process in a military university is the result of effective methodological and psychological work in an educational organization, balanced management decisions and systematic scientific and methodological support.
Keywords: psychological preparation; learning process; learning efficiency; military professional suitability; cadets of military universities; combat readiness; military units.
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