People within Power & Power in Search of People: «Management Techniques» in Terms of Palace Coups d’Etai, 18th Century Russia

 Problem statement. It is curious to reflect that so much importance has been given to the actual issues of the problem under consideration in terms of current historiography scientific Scholarship of «People within power» & «Power in search of people» within «management techniques» of the Palace Coups d'Etai of the XVIII-th century. Both the structural model and the functional/communicative model have, in their different ways, consistently played it. And yet, as any historian knows only too well, facts are essential, and the lack of them leads to feelings of insecurity and uncertainty. This article suggests the analysis and a number of ways of novel interpretation of fresh database on the time period under discussion in the frameworks of the Historical and Cultural Standard, as an integral part of the Concept of a new educational and methodological complex on national history that have an important educational potential.
Keywords: Palace coups d'Etait; historiography; source studies; the Concept of History; Historical and Cultural Standard (HCS); «difficult» issues of national history.
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