The problem of forming the professional culture of a teacher-choreographer based on an integrated approach

The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the formation of the professional culture of a teacher-choreographer in the frameworks of professional pedagogical education. This problem is caused by the modern socio-cultural situation, which shows a tendency towards a decrease in the level of culture of the society as a whole, in general and the quality of professional culture of teachers-choreographers, in particular. The article attempts to characterize the professional culture of a teacher-choreographer and substantiate the solution to the problem of its formation through an integrated approach. The article contains theoretical explanations regarding the multidimensionality of the studied issue in the general cultural context and the integrated nature of specialization, which combines two components of choreography pedagogy: cultural and pedagogical. The points of view of different authors in relation to the professional culture of the teacher and the integrated approach in education are described, and indicated the most relevant judgments regarding integration in the pedagogy of choreography. Based on the results of the work, it is concluded that the integrated approach can act as a universal tool for the formation of the professional and pedagogical culture of the choreographer, combining the components of other approaches — systemic, cultural , anthropological, and diverse structures of professional activity.
Keywords: professional pedagogical culture; professional culture; integration; education; professional pedagogical activity; teacher-choreographer; choreography; integrated approach.
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