Strategies of Professional Development of Teaching Sta ff of Schools: Outline from Russian and Foreign practices

This article considers the results of the study researches of strategies of the professional development of teaching stuff to identify the features of the professional development of teachers who demonstrate stable positive dynamics of students in international researches. This article shows strategies, models of the professional development of teachers from foreign countries (Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong (China), Finland, Lithuania) and from few regions of Russia (Moscow, Omsk district, Novosibirsk district, Republic of Tatarstan, e.t.c.). The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, normative legal documents, scientific articles presented at conferences of various levels was carried out using the apperciping method and the descriptive method. The use of the apperciping method made it possible to supplement the course of the study of the problem of the professional development of teachers with new information on about the strategies of the professional development implemented in countries and regions which that provide high educational results of students. The descriptive method of working with scientific literature made it possible to select literature, articles based on keywords, "descriptors" — reference words, phrases. As descriptors in this study, we use "professional development of teachers', "strategies for professional development of teachers', "models of professional development of teachers', "models of professional development', etc. related to the topic of the study. As a result, the strategies of continuous professional development of teachers are identified. They have both the same strategic directions, and national and regional characteristics. Among the strategies reflected in almost all systems it is a personalised strategy which ensures the continuous professional development of a teacher, taking into account his professional experience, experience and those professional competencies which the teacher owns, his interests, as well as the interests and requests of the educational organisation he works at. The implementation of these strategies is carried out through both the system of formal and informal education, as well as through both self-education and self-development of teachers.
Keywords: strategies for professional development of teachers; personalised education; individual education routes; modular training programs.
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