Personality Development Training in the Context of Innovations of School Foreign Language Education

Background. Problem statement concerns the need to study pedagogical and didactic topics due to the environment or background in modern Russian education, i.e. the socio-political situation in the region, in the country, and in the world as a whole, which has an indirect impact on it. This paper is in the main a continuation of the authors' publications on the topic under consideration. The target setting of this study is a reflection on the regional approach, with its features and initiatives in the aspect of forming functional literacy of schoolchildren as a value in the educational process. Methodology and materials of the study. In the context of the axiological approach, the authors of this manuscript consider a novel situation, which is characterized by the desire of a modern teacher to "equip" the school educational space and apply the design of Knowledge Content, Pedagogy, IT facilities and devices for teaching and fostering a responsible attitude of students to the learning process. The results of the study. The research is carried out in the context of a value-based comprehensive model of cultural self-determination of teachers in the system of continuing professional education. Of particular interest are some of the active means of foreign language teaching and learning in the aspect of integration of classroom and outdoors activities of schoolchildren. As a result of the conducted micro-research, the article also presents a professional project aimed at improving the quality of foreign language education at a school with in-depth study of English in one of the educational institutions of the Novosibirsk region. In conclusion, the authors state the contribution of modern teaching to the state and solution of urgent problems of regional foreign language education as an integral component of humanitarian knowledge and education in general, which is in conditions of uncertainty and ambiguity.
Keywords: regional approach; recurrent professional education; functional literacy; integration; classroom and extracurricular activities; cultural self-determination of a personality; professional projects.
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