Methodological Aspects of Tolerance Developmenttowards Diversity Managementby Means of a Foreign Language

This study identifies effective foreign language acquisition techniques for fostering reasonable tolerance towards managing diversity in a modern heterogeneous environment where respect for the difference and uniqueness of multiple identities should comply with personal moral and ethical attitudes and views. The relevance of tolerance development is due to the expansion of conflict zones, aggression, tension along with widespread propaganda of new values, moral and ethical principlesthat are associated with intense migration and cross-cultural exchange processes.

Specifics of Exploring StudentIntercultural Sensitivity in terms of Current Foreign Language Acquisition

This study portrays a number of effective foreign language teaching techniques for measuring intercultural sensitivity as a device for effective intercultural communication and dialogue between cultures that can be established by young people in a modern society. Given the priorityto this issue, the current study views intercultural sensitivity within the frames of interethnic conflict growth; international aggression within the increased globalization and migration.

Pre-School and Primary Foreign Language Education: Value Determinants and Continuity

Background. The problem context of this micro-research is the creation of a developing professional environment for continuing education of a foreign language teacher in the aspect of understanding the culture-creation mission of the early foreign language education as a value dominant of the individual.

Regional Aspects of the Tutorials for Functioning Civic & Patriotic Education of the Youth: History of Novosibirsk Destination — from Gubernja to the Capital of the Siberian Region

Problem statement. The research field of topical aspects of spiritual, moral, patriotic and civic education of young people is more extensive than ever before in the light of the new educational values of current Russian education. The purpose of this study is both to update and determine the importance of the Regional history in historical science, in pedagogy, and in educational activities of social institutions of different levels and significance. Methodology and materials of the research.

Personality Development Training in the Context of Innovations of School Foreign Language Education

Background. Problem statement concerns the need to study pedagogical and didactic topics due to the environment or background in modern Russian education, i.e. the socio-political situation in the region, in the country, and in the world as a whole, which has an indirect impact on it. This paper is in the main a continuation of the authors' publications on the topic under consideration.
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