Regional Aspects of the Tutorials for Functioning Civic & Patriotic Education of the Youth: History of Novosibirsk Destination — from Gubernja to the Capital of the Siberian Region

Problem statement. The research field of topical aspects of spiritual, moral, patriotic and civic education of young people is more extensive than ever before in the light of the new educational values of current Russian education. The purpose of this study is both to update and determine the importance of the Regional history in historical science, in pedagogy, and in educational activities of social institutions of different levels and significance. Methodology and materials of the research. This article is a logical continuation of the authors' study of specifics of the regional approach to the analysis of the event-based cultural and historical spaces of the Novosibirsk region: from a noncounty city to a province, the results of which were reflected in the publications of the scientific and methodological journal "Siberian Teacher" for a number of years. This research examines the events in the history of the Novosibirsk Region in the twentieth century, when the Region becomes a powerful socio-economic, cultural, and political centerpiece of the Asian part of Russia. This manuscript presents some of the examples of the enormous development of the Region that reflect a significant role within the structure of the value, patriotic and civic components of educational work. The source database is represented by a wide range of historical (documentary, narrative), educational and methodological, historiographical and historical discourse. Within the frameworks of this study, the investigations of historians of the Soviet period, who used numerous documents and materials of the early and mid of the XXth century, are not underestimated. The results of this study reflect the following solutions: a) the Region receives a powerful impulse of its development in XXth century, largely due to external factors; b) the economic, administrative, political and cultural growth is primarily associated with the fundamental decision of the Government to create a huge Siberian, and then, West Siberian region, the city of Novosibirsk as a capital; c) the events of the WW2, the great patriotic war, the evacuation of enterprises to the East of the country relocated to the Novosibirsk region, also contribute to the rapid economic and demographic prosperity of the Region; d) some economic decline of the post-war years associated with the conversion is "blocked down" by the development of the virgin and fallow lands on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region, as well as the construction of Akademgorodok. In Conclusion the materials presented on the history of the Novosibirsk region can be of great usage and importance for the scientific, educational, cultural and educational activities of teachers and employees of the regional system of additional professional education.
Keywords: historical education; regional history; from the province to the capital of the Siberian region; patriotic „ education; traditional values; axiology of current education; citizenship; the Novosibirsk region; the city of Novosibirsk; historiography; source studies.
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