Advanced Training of Inclusive Education Teachers: A Regional Aspect

A study of the work of general educational institutions in the Irkutsk region as part of a sample sociological survey revealed the need to intensify the work to improve the qualification of teachers who are simultaneously implementing the adapted primary programmes for general elementary education. Goals and objectives. The main goal of the article is to acquaint the readers with the improvement of teachers' readiness to teach mentally retarded students in conditions of inclusion through the development at the regional institute of education development of a vocational training programme in accordance with the provisions of the professional standard and taking into account the existing difficulties. Methods. A review of the regulatory and methodological literature, a sample sociological survey and the collection and study of statistical data were used. Results. Identification of teachers' difficulties in implementing the adapted primary programmes for general elementary education in conditions of inclusion, their correlation with the main components of professional activity in the context of the process of educating mentally retarded students, made it possible to develop an additional vocational training programme. The results indicate the need to further identify effective conditions for professional development of inclusive teachers at the regional level. Conclusion. The materials of the article may be of interest to representatives of vocational training institutions, methodological services, administrative and pedagogical staff of general educational institutions, representatives of the community of parents, as well as students of secondary vocational and higher education institutions in the pedagogical field.
Keywords: students with health limitations; mental retardation; teacher's professional standard; vocational training programme.
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