Additional Professional Education of Library Teachers in the Digital Age

The article examines some o f the aspects o f the system o f additional professional education for school librarians in the changing conditions o f their professional activity in the digital age. The prerequisites fo r the development of additional vocational education o f teachers and librarians are revealed. The article emphasizes the possibilities of continuing professional education of library and information specialists to dynamically develop and modernize the educational process, taking into account the new requirements for the competencies o f school library workers; to solve new professional tasks, i. e. labor functions and activities in modern digital transformations. The professional standard "Specialist in the field o f education" is considered as a document th a t requires new models for advanced training and professional retraining o f teachers-librarians; this is both an indicator o f the innovative activity o f school library specialists, and a motivator for the consolidation o f professional library and pedagogical communities. Using the example o f interaction and cooperation o f the Russian State Library and the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy o f Sciences, the efficacy o f the library department's activities in the frames o f additional vocational education for school library specialists is analyzed. The content o f additional professional programs for advanced training "Digital transformation o f school library activities" and professional retraining "Library and pedagogical activities in the educational organization o f general education: teacher-librarian", has been developed under the guidance o f the authors o f this article w ith in the current trends o f the school library activity based on functional and process approaches. In conclusion the continuing education system is actualized as one o f the important institutional links that provide fru itfu l professional training for teachers-librarians.
Keywords: additional professional educational program; continuing professional education; teacher-librarian; advanced training; professional retraining; professional standard.
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