Functional Literacy of Primary School Students as a Basis for Implementation of the Conceptual Model “Lifelong Learning”: Methodological Design of Learning Tasks

Problem statement concerns the innovation pedagogical trend, the concept of "Lifelong learning", which is becoming an integral part of modern public education, multiplying the potential success and demand for competitive specialists who are ready for permanent up skilling. The purpose of this study covers professional discussion of the problem concept of forming the functional literacy of primary school students as the basis for personal development, that allows a) to achieve the full planned results of the basic education program of primary general education, b) to prepare a student for the novel realities of modern life and challenges in the world, and c) to deal with an increasing flow of information, that has become one of the main pedagogical subj/actual issues of recent times. Methodology and the results of this research is based on the idea of transformation of the pedagogical paradigm, from knowledge content to competence approach, in the XXIst century, that significantly changes the design of modern public school education requiring new didactic solutions of the organization conditions of the learning process. According to current scientific Scholarship there is no general methodological concept to minimize some of the shortcomings, and to get closer to solving the problem under consideration. Currently there is a random approach of primary school teachers to solving this problem, since there exists an acute shortage of targeted tools aimed at the formation of functional literacy of primary school students. In conclusion there states that the analysis of modern textbooks and digital educational platforms carried out by the author of this opus give grounds for thought in the aspect of determining a number of steps which allow a primary school teacher to more thoughtfully approach to the assessment of educational development tasks aimed at increasing internal motivation, stimulating independence, and making sense of the academic work.
Keywords: functional literacy; primary school students; primary general education; metasubject results; universal competences; maths.
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