The Functional Literacy Developmentof the Teacher in the Aspect of the Implementation of the Requirements of the Updated Federal State Education Standards

In the context of the introduction and implementation of the requirements of the updated federal state educational standards for general education, the pedagogical community is in a continuous search for innovative pedagogical approaches to the development of the functional literacy of students that never ceases, raising numerous questions and provoking the greatest difficulties in the experience of teachers.

Interpretation of the Results of the all-Russian Testing Works of Primary School Students: a Typology of Difficulties and Pedagogical Techniques of Correction

The problem of finding universal tools for monitoring the quality of primary general education, allowing not only to evaluate the results, but also to diagnose the causes of difficulties for primary school students, attracts the attention of all participants of educational relations.

Functional Literacy of Primary School Students as a Basis for Implementation of the Conceptual Model “Lifelong Learning”: Methodological Design of Learning Tasks

Problem statement concerns the innovation pedagogical trend, the concept of "Lifelong learning", which is becoming an integral part of modern public education, multiplying the potential success and demand for competitive specialists who are ready for permanent up skilling.
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