Participation of Border Regions in the Export of Educational Services of the Russian Federation

The article is devoted to the study of the significance of the Russia border regions in achieving one of the main goals of the national project "Education". This goal is strengthening the competitive position of Russia in the world markets of educational services. The Russian Government sets a special task to form an institutional framework for increasing the export of products from non-resource sectors in general, and educational services especially. The aim of the study is to substantiate the export of educational services as one of the priority areas of strategic development of intercountry interaction for border regions. The study is based on official materials of the Government of the Russian Federation, conceptual approaches to the economic development of border regions, official statistics characterizing the dynamics and structure of the export of educational services in the Russian Federation. The article shows that cross-border cooperation of Russian regions creates additional opportunities for achieving this goal, while the Russian Government has not yet paid sufficient attention to this issue. In the concept of cross-border cooperation, approved by the Government, little attention is paid to education issues. Therefore, primary attention should be paid to the strategic interaction of border regions with neighboring countries and the integration of joint educational projects into the general system of interstate interaction (including in the direction of ensuring the compliance of the Russian educational system with the requirements of modern processes taking place in the global educational space). It should also be taken into account that those regions of the Russian Federation that border on Asian countries and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union have a special potential in the export of educational services.
Keywords: cross-border cooperation; cooperation in the field of education; regional development.
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