Educational Results and Social Effects in the System of Advanced Professional Training of Workers

The article examines the problem of advanced training of workers, its impact on the formation of human capital, professional and personal quality of the modern worker. The latter is interpreted in terms of internal and external systemic and social quality as a phenomenon of qualityology - the triune science of the quality of education. The issues of the formation and assessment of educational results and social effects are actualized in relation to the system of advanced professional training of workers. The author's version of their classification based on the use of a number of principles and characteristics of educational results and social effects of advanced professional training of workers are given. A separate place in the article was found in the problem of defining key approaches to the qualimetric assessment of educational results and social effects. In this regard, it is proposed to use the potential and means of test, taxonomic, expert and other special qualimetries.
Keywords: human capital; professional and personal quality of the modern worker; advanced vocational training; educational outcomes and social effects of anticipatory training.
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