Organization and Management of Summer School for Young Programmers

This article presents the results of work with students at the Summer school for young programmers. The development of the research potential of children is organized in the form of workshops. The attraction to creative activity through the implementation of research work with practical implementation in the form of a project, making a presentation at a scientific and practical conference stimulate an active life position, socialize the personality, and develop the qualities which are necessary for professional activity. Developing software is no longer a privileged task of some qualified specialists. Nowadays it is possible to find out a group of children, a small one, who are using their own programmes with enthusiasm, and they are keen on controlling a computer. These kids, who are supposed to become specialists in the field of programming, are in great need of understanding the essence of working on computers. The development and creation of numerous tasks which can be realized by high school students while working on the projects suggested by their teachers. This work is regularly performed at Summer schools for young programmers. The managers create the current approach to programming intended to implement applications for telephones, tablets and so on. However, the likely mechanism is suitable only for the search experiment of a teaching technique. The development of high quality educational software should meet technical and psycho-pedagogical requirements, and should be under control of the experts council responsible for accepting quality software which can be widely applied to teaching schoolchildren. The need in more powerful computers arises due to the demands of commercial applications as well as scientific and technical ones required extensive calculations. These methods of diversified information processing for computing resources must be worked out. The appropriate estimation of the modern technical potential determines the necessity to start training specialists as early as possible. 
Keywords: information technology, project activities, education and creativity.


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