Secondary Vocational Education in the Aftermath of the Pandemic: Perspective Direction

The article discusses possible options for building an effective educational process in the context of a separate remote learning format. The promising areas of activity of educational institutions in terms of the implementation of the digital environment are determined and evaluated. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the educational process as a priority task of modern society is analyzed. The article discusses the issue of organizing the work of the college as a modern innovative structure aimed at strengthening its position in the labor market and increasing the attractiveness of the image of an educational institution. The authors note the importance of creating new conditions, including remote ones, necessary in the implementation of educational services for students who are able to provide comprehensive education, the effective development of professional competencies of future specialists. The study explains the features of the transformation of the modern vocational education system. The authors focus on the criteria that determine the promising areas of activity of educational institutions in the aspect of the development of the digital environment.
Keywords: optimization of the educational process; secondary vocational education; changes in the vocational training system.
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