Distribution of Lateral Organization Profile Types in the Groups of Initial Sports Training and in Different Sports

The article opens a series of publications devoted to the possibility of using the profile of lateral organization (PLO), which characterizes the functional interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain, as one of the marker factors in the structure of phenogenetic characteristics of the human constitution. Consideration of PLO from the standpoint of integrative anthropology is aimed at solving a number of psychological, pedagogical and medico-biological issues, including optimization of sports selection, sports orientation and educational and training process of sports. The task of this stage: to differentiate the nature of the distribution of the profile of the lateral organization in connection with the specificity of muscular activity young sportsmen. Determination of the type of PLO was carried out according to the method of E. D. Chomskaya, three types of asymmetry were analyzed: manual, auditory-verbal and visual [12]. Among the children of the groups of the initial sports training, the "pure" right-handers, together with the right-handed ones, formed the dominating group. This selection is characterized by a large presence of "mixed" types, as well as the presence of persons with the manifestation of left-handedness for all the declared "the so-called" so-called. As a result of the analysis of the distribution of PLO types among young sportsmen, it was found that the left PLO is more often found among those who are engaged in a situational type of sport — volleyball; the right type of PLO is characteristic for the standard cyclic type — swimming; Among boxers and skier-sprinters, almost equally distributed persons with right and mixed types of PLO; the left type of PLO was not identified in these sportsmen.
Keywords: profile of lateral organization; functional interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain; young athletes.
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