The Analysis of the Formation of the Social Experience of High School Graduates

The article presents the analysis of the results of the formation of the social experience of high school graduates that needs further investigation as a problem area. Based on monitoring the results of the last three year investigation this research focuses on the interpretation of the opinions of all the participants ofeducation, i.e. parents, teachers, students. The results obtained cover the structure of social experience and the level of formation of all the types of the experience under discussion, i.e. intellectual experience, communicative experience, experience of social activity, aesthetic experience, work experience, health-saving experience, environmental experience, experience of mastering universal human values, experience of civic-patriotic activity, experience of self-awareness, experience of self-organization, social experience as a whole, and its components based on knowledge, activity, productive, values. The database obtained is under consideration to draw conclusions about the level of formation of the types and the elements of the social experience. In sum, this research presents the recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the activities for the education and socialization of individuals.
Keywords: the structure and types of the social experience, knowledge, activity, productive, value components of experience.
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