The Development of the Student’s Personality in the Framework of the Project Activity

This article presents the role of the project activity of schoolchildren both in the increasing interest towards the subject, and in the development of the likely personality qualities, i.e. responsibility, hard work, collectivism, curiosity, and aesthetic effects. The stages of the implementation of this activity are highlighted when the project method is included into the educational process. The psychological characteristics of each stage, i.e. the organization of work, recommendations for the implementation of pedagogical activities, are under thorough consideration in this study. As a result, the efficacy of the implementation of the project activity into the school educational environment as a consequence of its influence reflects both on the academic performance, and on the student communicative competence. This phenomenon underliesthe effect of the multidimensional personal education as a result of the student positive experience within the integrated educational communication activity. The latter manifests the desire of children to be involved intothe educational communication, i.e. the level of development, training, and education. Thus, the communicative competence of students in the educational process can be considered as a resource for the effectiveness and well-being of their future adult life.
Keywords: psychological features of the project method, increasing the motivation of pupils, the stages of the project activity of pupils.
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