Methodological concept of philosophy as an option to improve the quality of its teaching in a technical university

The article deals with the problem of transfer of knowledge in the philosophy of the optimal level in the conditions of a modern technical university. Presumably, this problem is generated by a contradiction-a clash of opposites: the desired (due) and the actual. The point is that every teacher should strive to achieve the best possible quality of teaching by providing students with essential philosophical knowledge at lectures and seminars (optimal knowledge that best reveals the cognitive and practical possibilities of philosophy), but this desire conflicts with what the teacher actually does, as a rule, without achieving the desired optimal level of knowledge. In this regard, the aim is to analyze the problem under consideration by solving two problems: to identify external and internal reasons which prevent the transfer of an optimal level of knowledge that has not yet been sufficiently studied; on the example of a technical university, as well as to consider in more detail the alleged internal cause of the problem under discussion, subjective in its essence — an insufficient understanding, first of all, of the teachers of philosophy of the theoretical and practical possibilities of their discipline in relation to the technical specifics of the university. It is assumed that this, in turn, prevents students of technical faculties from understanding the scientific possibilities of philosophy, its practical usefulness. To solve the tasks set, the dialectical method is used. It is assumed that in order to solve the problem under discussion, it is necessary to understand and teach philosophy as a scientific method that allows you to obtain initial probabilistic knowledge, with the aim of their further use in technical science and professional activities.
Keywords: education; the problem of optimal teaching; the level of philosophical knowledge; negative reasons; technical specifics of the university; methodological approach.
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