The results of diagnostics of the formation of parents' readiness for social and educational partnership with a rural schoolThe analysis of various approaches to the concepts of "social partnership", "socio-pedagogical partnership", "socio-educational partnership" is given. The role of rural schools in the formation of parents' readiness for social and educational partnership is demonstrated. The author's position in defining the concept of "social and educational partnership of parents with a rural school" is presented. The article presents the results of a study of the introduction of technology for the formation of parents' readiness for social and educational partnership with a rural school according to the selected components: motivational, cognitive, operational. This technology was introduced in "V.M. Shukshin Srostinskaya secondary school", "Lesnaya secondary school" (Biysk district, Altai Territory). The number of parents involved in experimental work amounted to 802 people.
Keywords: social and educational partnership; rural school; parents; result; control stage; efficiency.
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