Relations in the system "teacher – students" affecting the quality of training of courses of the discipline "automotive training"

The article investigates the relationship in the "teacher — students" system by means of questionnaires and analysis of the learning outcomes of cadets in a particular discipline. The study of qualitative data reveals that the nature of the relationship between the subjects in this system is one of the signs of communication that affects the quality of training cadets. The author seeks to solve the problem of improving the quality of training for cadets by improving the components that make up the structure of the pedagogical process, here operational-activity (improving the nature of interaction in the system under consideration) and evaluative-productive (increasing the objectification of evaluating the learning outcomes of cadets). General recommendations are given, aimed at solving the problem of the quality of training cadets.
Keywords: the structural aspect of the system "teacher – learners"; the nature of the relations between the participants in this system as a factor of influence; quality of training for cadets.
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