Pre-School and Primary Foreign Language Education: Value Determinants and Continuity

Background. The problem context of this micro-research is the creation of a developing professional environment for continuing education of a foreign language teacher in the aspect of understanding the culture-creation mission of the early foreign language education as a value dominant of the individual. The aim of this study is threefold, and is seen in the theoretical and practical justification of a comprehensive model of the update of topical professional skills of a teacher to ensure continuity and novel educational values in the development of foreign language culture for pre-school age and younger schoolchildren. Methods. Axiological and research activity approach as the content core of the authors’ comprehensive dominant values model gives grounds for the educational space of the tutorials of recurrent professional development teacher training. Current meta-analysis to have explored and provided the actual conditions for understanding and implementing the conceptual findings of the early developing foreign language education, are formulated in the aspect of continuity of pre-school and primary school foreign language teaching in the frameworks of the longitudinal project on culture-self-determination of the participants of the educational process. Results and discussion. The results of the search experiment are presented in the content basis of the constructs of the comprehensive model for the formation of the communicative and linguistic personality of an educator in the spaces of the expert activities provided on the authors’ textbooks for pre-school kids and primary schoolchildren, and in terms of the increasing role of the development of the individual’s emotional, cognitive/intellectual and educational potential as a whole considered as dominant values to provide the conditions for National projects for Education in full. Conclusions. In summary, the authors state the fact that to strengthen the efficacy of the content-based technology of additional professional educational programs in the aspect of expert activity of a foreign language teacher is a must for creators of these programs, the main purpose and objectives of which are seen in understanding the current conception of teaching foreign languages based on situational approach, genuine communication, continuity, orientation to novel educational human being values of Russian Humanities Education as a whole. Кeywords: recurrent education; tutoring; pre-school children; primary schoolchildren; Russian textbooks on early foreign language learning/teaching; additional professional training.
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