Information stratification in the digital transformation of education

The introduction of digitalization into the education system involves a comprehensive modernization of information technologies, with the help of which both the full administration of the educational institution and the information support of all members of the educational institution, whether they are participants and organizers of the educational process or university researchers, could be carried out. The fulfillment of this condition is directly related to ensuring the smooth functioning of modern IT structures, on the basis of which information systems are designed, various services are put into operation and information programs and projects are implemented, which faces force majeure circumstances that lie beyond digitalization. These include, first of all, the differentiation of educational institutions in material terms, which ultimately generates conditions of inequality among educational institutions. The success of the digitalization process, and hence the increase in the level of efficiency of the educational organization, fully depends on the technological elimination of the gap between the desired and the actual (and in the shortest possible time), which will ensure the uniformity of the digitalization process in Russian educational organizations. In this regard, the concept of information stratification is becoming. The problem is revealed: what is the essence of information stratification in the digital transformation of education. The actualization of the stated issues is due to the level of development of the modern digital educational space, the requirements of which are to ensure the absence of phenomena that hinder the development of students, dehumanizing the course and deforming the results of such development. The purpose is to consider the essence of information stratification in the digital transformation of education. The following theoretical methods were used in the research process: analysis, comparison, systematization, concretization and generalization. The results and conclusions of the study of information stratification in the digital transformation of education showed the following. Since information stratification is a stable phenomenon related to education, it is necessary to develop and implement a number of pedagogical measures aimed at improving the current situation (diagnostics, tests, corrective software, trainings, etc.). Only in this case we can count on a significant improvement in the current situation.
Keywords: information stratification; education; digital transformation.
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