The Possibilities of Interdisciplinary Integration in the Disclosure of Cause-And-Effect Relationships Between Common Scientific Concepts of Academic Disciplines

The task of pedagogical universities is to teach students to meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general Education, i.e. the formation of a scientific view of the world among students. For current students competent to work productively in this direction, it is necessary to foster their scientific world mindset of the ways of its formation. The scientific mindset, according to the Standard, is formed on the basis of possession of intersubject concepts, as well as cause-and-effect relationships. Since there is no unified understanding of the essence of «interdisciplinary» concepts, the task of forming a scientific picture is solved by identifying cause-and-effect relationships between common scientific concepts included in the content of academic disciplines professional work programs. A wide range of cause-and-effect relationships is effectively established by combining the efforts of teachers of different specialties. The purpose of this paper is to portray the possibilities of interdisciplinary integration in the disclosure of the mentioned relationships. The main method of this research is generalization of pedagogical experience. Such integration of teachers of different specialties is used to explain to students the peculiarities of the underground waters of the Novosibirsk region. The causal relationships in the system of general scientific concepts «atmospheric precipitation — the Earth’s surface — sedimentary rocks — mineralogical composition of rocks — groundwater — soilgroundwater — chemical composition of water» are traced. The material under consideration is of usage for discussion in the classrooms and as the basis for independent work of students. A number of test tasks for checking up the level of assimilation of the discussed features of groundwater are presented. There is great potential for further interdisciplinary integration of teachers. Keywords: scientific picture of the world, local history material, environmental chemistry, physical geography of the Novosibirsk region, groundwater.
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