Multicultures and Multilingua as Key Axiologem for Improving Quality of Language Education

Problem statement concerns the actual issues of forming a multicultural picture of the world of students via effective teaching and learning world languages. In search of devices how to improve the quality of teaching world languages at the regional level the author touches upon the importance of axiological approach to the solution of the problem zones of cultivating a positive attitude to learning process at public schools in generallinguistic and extralinguistic aspects related to the processes of preserving linguistic/cultural identity in a foreign language/foreign cultural environment are substantiated. Methods of sociolinguistic analysis of facts and situations/events of the regional education spaces based on various literary sources are used (official documents related to language policy in Russia, scientific papers covering these issues, texts of test papers on foreign languages within grades 7, 9. 11). The factors that have a constructive impact on the processes of cultivation and preservation of an individual language in the system of continuous pedagogical education of a foreign language teacher are identified,considered, and investigated. Scientific and methodological recommendations for improving the teaching foreign languages methodology at the regional level are proposed.
Keywords: final test works (VPR), development tasks, lexico-grammatical sphere of speech activity, methodological recommendations.
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