Formation of Foreign-Language Emotional Experience of Communication in Middle School Students: Means and Methodological resources

This article focuses on the question of the interconnection of such concepts as: «emotivity», «emotional intelligence» and «emotional experience», and also substantiates the necessity for students to acquire a foreign language emotional experience of communication in a foreign language lesson in the middle school as a way of developing emotional intelligence. The main purpose of the work is to offer means and methodological resources for the formation of students’ foreign language emotional communication experience. Among the most effective means of forming a foreign-language emotional experience of communication in the middle school, the authors have pointed out foreign-language emotive vocabulary, foreign-language emotive texts and emotive situations. The paper also offers methodological recommendations for their use in a foreign language lesson in the middle school, taking into account the specifics of the development of the emotional and volitional sphere of younger adolescents. Role-playing games, group discussions, emotive and project technologies are considered in the article as the main methodological resources that provide foreign language emotional experience of communication.
Keywords: emotions, emotional intelligence, emotional experience, emotivity, foreign language emotional communication experience, teaching in the middle school.
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