Interpretation of the Results of the all-Russian Testing Works of Primary School Students: a Typology of Difficulties and Pedagogical Techniques of Correction

The problem of finding universal tools for monitoring the quality of primary general education, allowing not only to evaluate the results, but also to diagnose the causes of difficulties for primary school students, attracts the attention of all participants of educational relations. This sounds even more relevant in the context of the introduction and implementation of the requirements of the updated federal state educational standard for primary general education and the content of the federal educational program for primary general education.The analysis of the existing professional discourse on the issue of the objectivity of quality control in the education of primary school students indicates the absence of a unified and well-established opinion. The article analyzes the typology of recurrent errors of students in the Russian language tasks, mathematics and natural science that has developed in recent years in the format of all-Russian testing works at the level of primary general education.Interpretation of the results of many years of observations allowed the author to identify possible pedagogical methods of correction that allow leveling the most frequent difficulties of primary school graduates.
Keywords: All-Russian testing work, primary school student, federal educational program of primary general education, pedagogical methods of eliminating difficulties.
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