Revealing Formation of Scientific Literacy at Final Certification in Physics

The article presents the problems of the formation of functional literacy in teaching physics. According to the latest versions of federal state educational standards for basic general and secondary general education, functional literacy is included into the requirements for learning outcomes. Therefore, the problem of identifying the state of formation of functional, including natural science literacy and determining the directions for correcting the educational process to ensure the implementation of the requirements for the result is relevant. The purpose of the study focuses on a comparative analysis of the success of completing the tasks aimed both at determining the level of formation of natural science literacy in the educational process and at the final certification in physics. The research methods covercritical survey of pedagogical literature, analysis of the results of performing diagnostic tasks. The database of this research show that the results of completing tasks in the final certification are higher than completing tasks in the educational process; the success of completing tasks depends both on Knowledge Content of the target subject and on the volume of the text of the task itself, i.e. therefore, on the formation of the reader literacy and regulatory universal learning activities, the ability to keep up the goal at the presence of «noisy information»; Competency 3 — Interpreting data and using scientific evidence to draw conclusions — is better formed than Competence 1 — Scientific explanation of phenomena.
Keywords: functional literacy, natural science literacy, basic state exam in physics.
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