The Self-Esteem and the Formation of a Personality of a Child

The article reveals the author's view on the psychological problems of man connected with the formation of a personality of a child at an early age, when the Self-esteem of a child is violated by a personally immature mother. The aim of the study. The causes of the child-harmful upbringing in the family motivate the society to improve the psychological literacy of the population in terms of the problem under discussion, i.e. the early childhood and conscious motherhood relationship. Results of the study. The «exit» from personal immaturity via the personality correction in the Self- analyzing to restore the Self-esteem is proposed.
Keywords: the Self-esteem, formation of personality of a child at an early age, personal immaturity, psychological problem, Internal conflict, upbringing, psychological literacy of parents, personality correction, personality analysis, restoring the Self-esteem.
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