The Essence and the Content of the Subjective Position of Students: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspect

The article considers to the problems of forming the subjective position of students from the point of view of psychology and pedagogy. The author of the article investigates the issues related to the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the formation of a subjective position in the educational environment of a military university. Particular attention is paid to the role of the teacher in the formation of the cadet's subjective position. The article describes the basic principles and the methods by which it is possible to form an active and independent position of the cadets of a military university. Practical examples are also considered to demonstrate the effectiveness of the use of pedagogical methods for the formation of a subjective position. The article can be useful for both teachers and psychologists working in the field of education and interested in the formation of students' personal independence.
Keywords: subjective position, students, psychological and pedagogical aspect, active position, independence, formation, personal growth, educational process, methods, pedagogical principles, psychological foundations, practical aspects.
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