Pedagogy of Relationships as a Basis for Professionalism of Specialists in the Cultural and Recreation Sphere

The article deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of relationship pedagogy as an independent field of scientific and methodological knowledge, as an interdisciplinary meta-technology of pedagogical interactions. The problematic aspects of the formation and development of interpersonal relations are highlighted, the applied universal competencies of future professionals in the field of cultural and leisure activities are described. The purpose of the study is to study the historical and theoretical foundations of the formation of pedagogy of relations in domestic and foreign science, to determine the methodological foundations and development prospects. As a result of the study, an attempt was made to generalize the 30-year experience of pedagogical research and practices of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of pedagogical interactions, since the systemic nature and logic of building a communicative and educational space in educational institutions is clearly traced. A range of topical issues related to the features of educational processes in the basis of social and communicative experience of the subjects of pedagogical interaction is determined. Keywords: relationship pedagogy, universal competencies, interaction, communications, education.
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