Dominant Values of Current International Language Learning & Training: Methodology and Technology

The problem area of this research covers the most crucial aspects of national education, dominant values as cultivation of educational development strategies and pedagogical tactics in the regional school educational environment in regard to the requirements of the updated Federal State Educational Standard considering national culture, native language, authentic communication of teacher and student to fulfill the prior goal of the cultural mission of both domestic education and the cultural - creating possibilities of international language education to expand the boundaries for modern schoolchildren objective perception of the realities of the global world. Methodology. As is the case, the focus is on the main methodological message which reflects on the regional educational sphere and the conceptual sphere of the individual language of a modern teacher that is the basis and under consideration in the frames of the authors’ threefold dominant value Model to neutralize the negative realities of the global world of unclear value orientations of the Era of Digitalization of Current Society and to make the outmost of the authors’ didactic and methodical findings of development essence, i.e. to immerse them into the safe educational spaces of the Regional Lyceum No 13 of the village of Krassnoobsk (Novosibirsk region) is shown. The results present the maxim of Culture in education – Language as an integral component of human consciousness and self — consciousness - The culture of communication and mutual understanding giving the chance of cultural self-determination of the individual – teacher and student — in full. The conclusion reflects on the prospects for replication of the results of this Survey considering the identified factors in terms of the preferred organizational and pedagogical aspect. The article may be useful to researchers, methodologists, and educators to solve identical problems.
Keywords: culture, culture self-identification, semantic reading, development tasks, UMK «Spotlight”, audio courses, corpus of crosswords, culture self-realization.
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