The problem of Development of Functional Literacy of Students& Extra-Curriculum Activity: Pragma Aspect

This opus examines functional literacy as a value in a practical aspect. It is emphasized that the formation of “soft skills” contributes both to harmonize the development of the personality of students, and contributes to an increase in motivation for the acquisition of subject knowledge. The author claims that the formation of global competencies is an integrative process that can be effectively implemented into the extracurricular activities of an educational institution in accord with the programme of the educational work. Fruitful results can be achieved via system work based on the principles of pedagogy of cooperation. The purpose of this article is to present some results of practical activities on the formation of functional literacy in the frameworks of extracurricular activities in the Municipal State Educational Institution Koltzovskaya School № 5 of the Novosibirsk Region. The results can be of use for educators and researchers.
Keywords: extracurricular activities, educational work, functional literacy, collective creativity, global competencies.
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