Exercises in Russian Sign Language Interpreter Training: New Approaches and Perspectives

Russian Sign Language (RSL) interpreter training can be recognized as a relatively young field that is still going through a period of formation. It is subject to constant change and experiments that help to search for more effective methods and approaches. Deaf people need both the increasing number of RSL interpreters and the improved quality of services provided. This article describes a set of exercises designed to enhance RSL interpreter training. The exercises were created taking into account the results of the interview with RSL teachers and the questionnaires of the students majoring in RSL. The methodology of teaching consecutive and simultaneous spoken languages interpreters was chosen as a foundation since it had not previously been used at Novosibirsk State Technical University for RSL interpreter training. The set of exercises was tested in classes. According to observation and feedback received from the students, recommendations and prospects for further development of the exercises were formulated.
Keywords: consecutive and simultaneous interpreting; switching between languages; mnemonics; expanding students’ active vocabulary of high-frequency lexis equivalents; non-equivalent RSL vocabulary; explanatory interpreting skill; translation transformations.
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