Physics at School & University: Strategy of Development of Education

The article analyzes the problems of physics education and identifies, on the basis of accumulated experience, possible methodological resources for its improvement. The reasons for the destruction of the fundamental nature of the academic subject “physics” at the beginning of this century and ways to restore it are considered. The personnel problem of physics teachers, the destructive activities of physics departments in pedagogical universities, the degradation of the system of advanced training for physics teachers in many regions and a number of other negative aspects have turned a leading ideological subject into something ordinary, not arousing interest in familiarization. We consider those physical concepts that make it possible to raise the level of schoolchildren’s learning, and especially models and analogies of the academic subject of physics training. The importance of treating the subject of physics as a scientific reflection of nature, its leading, integral part, is shown. In this case, full-scale experimentation should play the most important role. Five main ideas have been put forward on which it is necessary to focus the main attention when studying physics: modeling in combination with experimentation; updating basic didactic tools; dominance of physical thinking, physical worldview; physical quantities, models, principles, laws should be considered as didactic principles; The basis for teaching physics should be modern methodology of cognitive activity (as educational cognition).
Keywords: physical education, problems of theory and practice, educational activities, teaching activities, scientific method of cognition
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