How the Realism of Aristotle’s Philosophy Correlates With His Educational Concepts: Philosophical and Pedagogical

The article analyzes the features of the philosophy of education of the outstanding ancient Greek philosopher and teacher Aristotle developed by the 4th century BC. Its knowledge is important — firstly, to understand how the formation of philosophical and pedagogical thought took place in Ancient Greece; secondly, to find out which educational concepts the philosopher Aristotle borrowed from his teacher Plato, and which ones he introduced into pedagogy himself. The purpose of the study of Aristotle’s philosophical and pedagogical concepts determined by the solution of the following tasks is: 1) to identify the essence of the Aristotelian education system and trace its evolution in Greek history; 2) to analyze what innovations the ancient Greek education system introduced into modern educational philosophy; 3) to show that Aristotle did not develop a complete system of philosophy of education, however, what he developed and introduced into the practice of Greek education significantly enriched modern pedagogy. The theoretical and methodological concepts of Aristotle’s philosophy of education served as the basis for the formation of Western European pedagogical science. The scientific novelty of Aristotle’s philosophy of education is due to the fact that its pedagogical basis was developed in the scientific literature of domestic and Western authors, who give us a holistic idea of his pedagogical system. In conclusion, a conclusion is drawn about the relevance of the educational concepts that Aristotle introduced into modern pedagogical science.
Keywords: Aristotle’s philosophy of education, socio-political situation in Athens in the 4th century. BC, philosophical schools of Athens, Aristotle’s rationalism, the role of the teacher in education
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