«History of Siberia» Discipline: Preparing Students for the Implementation of the Regional Component in the Education of Schoolchildren

The article presents the experience of teaching the discipline «History of Siberia» in the process of training future history teachers. The main emphasis is on showing the possibilities of teaching a large amount of information in a small number of hours provided for by the curriculum, which determined the purpose of this paper. The article summarizes the experience of many years of teaching the history of Siberia at different faculties. To present the history of the region to students as much as possible, a significant amount of materials was analyzed, information was selected from them that made it possible to identify the most optimal topics for teaching that cover the most significant historical events showing the process of exploration and development of the region. Siberia was inhabited by people in ancient times and for thousands of years, until its annexation to the Russian state; the events that took place here were an integral part of Eurasian history. An important aspect of the exploration and development of the region is the construction of forts and cities, the history of which is reflected in the history of the country. The development of the region’s transport infrastructure both played a significant role in the further development of the entire country, and played a significant role in the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The most important resource for the development of Siberia were people who came to the region in different ways and at different times: Cossacks, exiles and convicts, settlers, evacuees and others. When preparing materials for studying the discipline, the peculiarities of preparing students in the field of pedagogical education with a history profile were taken into account. Therefore, some of the topics contain elements of methodological preparation. The experience published in the article can be useful in teaching both for university teachers, and for public school teachers.
Keywords: History of Siberia, teaching, prisons, cities, Ermak, Moscow-Siberian highway, Trans-Siberian Railway
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