Students in the Application of Immersive Technologies When Conducting Volunteer Events in the Field of Road Safety

Forming the skills of schoolchildren and students in the use of immersive technologies when conducting volunteer events in the field of road safety is one of the goals in the system of additional education of the Russian Federation. There is no data in the literature on master classes conducted to develop the skills of volunteer groups of schoolchildren and students when they implement productive projects using immersive technologies aimed at developing skills for safe behavior of children on the roads.

The Realization of A. S. Makarenko’s Pedagogical Technology: the Table of Differences Between the Emerging and Mature Team in the System of Collective Education

In the context of the crisis of the liberal model of education and upbringing in Russia, A. S. Makarenko’s ideas about education based on Russian culture are gaining a new reading and can be used at the present stage. The collective education of an innovative teacher in the Gorky colony, understood as a subsystem of Soviet society, needs to be analyzed from the point of view of society and systematized elements, moreover in a holistic and visual form. In this article, based on the study of the writings of A. S.

Tutor Support for Primary Schoolchildren with Disabilities, Taking into Account their Predominant Nature of Developmental Disorders

The article presents the description of the practice of individualizing the education of primary schoolchildren with disabilities through the tutor support. While these students are simultaneously mastering various options of adapted educational programs in an inclusive primary school, the tutor, as a support specialist, is characterized by difficulties in determining the priorities and the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of his professional activities.

Educational Shifts of Schoolchildren’s Preparation for the All-Russian English Language Olympiad

The article discusses the possibility of using local history material (the history of one’s hometown) to instill in schoolchildren love for the «small» Motherland, and through it, love for the Fatherland. An example is the course «Irkutsk Knowledge», the teaching of which began in Irkutsk schools in 2020-2021. The purpose of the article is to talk about the Irkutsk experience of introducing the regional course “Irkutsk Studies” in city schools.

Educational Shifts of Schoolchildren’s Preparation for the All-Russian English Language Olympiad

This article is devoted to the consideration of the peculiarities of organizing educational shifts in year-round health camps, the main purpose of which is to prepare students for the All-Russian Olympiad in English (regional and final stages). Simply mastering the general education program will not help in solving Olympiad tasks, so educational shifts with the correct organization of a training module similar to camp gatherings with the help of qualified personnel from higher education are of particular relevance.

Development of Students’ Reading Literacy

The article is devoted to the problem of formation and development of functional (reading) literacy of students in the context of implementation of the updated FSES. The updated standards predetermine the actual aims of the English language teacher, as well as the priority directions in the work. Consequently, the aim of the research is to identify effective ways of developing schoolchildren’s functional (reading) literacy at English language lessons.

Formation of Professional Readiness of Future Officers of the Russia Guard

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the effectiveness of using active training methods in developing the readiness of future officers to perform service and combat missions in extreme situations. However, as an analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature shows, the problem under study is not sufficiently worked out. Among the most effective active learning methods in developing readiness to act in extreme situations, we have identified training methods, educational discussions, analysis of specific practical situations, and business games.

Possibility of Implementing Transformations in English Technical Text Translation

Translation of a technical text is a special skill that, in the course of teaching ‘Foreign Language’ and related disciplines to the students of a technical university, must be developed and consolidated, since the future specialist is required to be able to obtain the necessary information, including those gained from foreign language sources. At the same time, the style of a technical text has its own characteristics, and then the question arises about the relevance of transferring information from a foreign language to the target language.

Interaction Between a Teacher and First-Year Students, Influencing the Development of Professional Competencies of Cadets

The purpose of the study is to study the interaction between a teacher and first-year students, which influences the formation of professional competencies of cadets at a military institute. Data from a survey of freshmen who entered the military institute in July 2023 were studied. Research methods. Search and analysis of scientific and methodological literature, psychological and pedagogical observation, general pedagogical methods (survey, conversation), questionnaires.

«History of Siberia» Discipline: Preparing Students for the Implementation of the Regional Component in the Education of Schoolchildren

The article presents the experience of teaching the discipline «History of Siberia» in the process of training future history teachers. The main emphasis is on showing the possibilities of teaching a large amount of information in a small number of hours provided for by the curriculum, which determined the purpose of this paper. The article summarizes the experience of many years of teaching the history of Siberia at different faculties.
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