Foreign Language Teaching in Multi-Level Language Groups of Engineering Students

Problem statement. One of the goals of institutions of higher professional education is to improve the quality and significance of foreign language education, which contributes to the formation and development of both foreign language communicative competence and multicultural picture of the world of graduates. The aim of this paper is to study and analyze the peculiarities of organization and methods of foreign language teaching for professional communication in a multi-level group. Methodology. Having studied the strategies, methods and approaches to the organization of teaching in multi-level groups of students discussed in the methodological literature and taking into account our own practical experience of teaching the course «Foreign Language for Professional Communication», we have come to the conclusion that the most productive and effective approach to teaching/training in this situation is a differentiated approach. Results & discussion. The formed foreign language professional communicative competence is one of the fundamental components of graduates’ success in the international labour market. However, it is very difficult to achieve a high level of formation of foreign-language professional communicative competence of students in the process of studying at the university. One of the main problems is that the course «Foreign language for professional communication» is conducted in groups of students formed according to the fields of their professional training. As a rule, students in these groups have different levels of foreign language communicative competence (from A1 to C1 according to the European scale of foreign language proficiency). In conclusion as the outcomes of this study there are some recommendations on how to organize the learning process in multi-level groups of engineering students. The process is to be organized in such a way that students, despite their level of foreign language proficiency, should take an active part in the class, do not lose motivation and do not experience emotional and psychological discomfort.
Keywords: external and internal differentiation, multi-level language groups, foreign language professional communicative competence, foreign language teaching methods
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