E. A. Sidelnik

Topical Issues of Creating Novice Professional Spaces at Higher Educational Institution: English for Specific Purposes Course

This study substantiates the need to update the information and educational environment of a modern university, in which scientific and methodological support in the format of educational and methodological literature of linguistic direction takes not the last place in solving the problems of integration into the multicultural and multinational regional spaces, that is in the focus of current Scientific Scholarship in several aspects, including organizational and pedagogical.

Foreign Language Teaching in Multi-Level Language Groups of Engineering Students

Problem statement. One of the goals of institutions of higher professional education is to improve the quality and significance of foreign language education, which contributes to the formation and development of both foreign language communicative competence and multicultural picture of the world of graduates. The aim of this paper is to study and analyze the peculiarities of organization and methods of foreign language teaching for professional communication in a multi-level group. Methodology.
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