Features of Educational and Methodological support Development of Teacher Professional Mobility

To confirm the relevance of the research topic, a multi-scientific analysis of scientific and educational literature was made. It was possible to identify the following: professional mobility as a subject of scientific interest in pedagogy has been studied for more than thirty years. The emphasis in defining this concept has shifted from representing mobility as a process to thinking about mobility as a personal quality, personal potential. This gives reason to assume that pedagogical influence can be exerted on its development. During the study of the definition, various aspects of the manifestation and development of professional mobility in different subjects — students, teachers, teachers — were considered. A smaller proportion of research is devoted to the development of professional mobility of teachers. It is also revealed that the context of the development of this personal quality in the information and educational environment is not found enough in research. At the same time, the information and educational environment has a number of features that can both hinder the development of professional mobility due to the increased technological capacity and dynamics of the environment, and make this process more effective if the necessary educational and methodological support is created. This allowed us to formulate the purpose of the study, which is to create educational and methodological support for the development of professional mobility of teachers in the information and educational environment. The study is devoted to confirming the hypothesis that the development of personal quality can be effective if it is conditioned and based on the provisions of the selected methodological approaches; the features of the information and educational environment identified specifically for this study are taken into account; educational and methodological support is used, developed to solve the tasks set. About two hundred teachers participated in the implementation of educational and methodological support, including an additional professional training program, diagnostic materials, and postcourse support for teachers. In the process of mastering the teacher’s program, lecture material was offered: practical exercises, a system of tasks, methodological cases and educational activities in a distance learning format, designed and built in the logic of the goals and objectives of the study. The use of a diagnostic tool for determining the level of professional mobility at the beginning of the program and at the time of completion of the program allowed the teacher to consciously approach the development of this personal quality and begin to design an individual trajectory of his professional development in the post-course period, the authors of the study – to conclude that the professional mobility of a teacher, whose indicators determined the success of adaptability, growth of activity, and development of creativity, can be successfully developed in an information and educational environment, which is confirmed by the results of the diagnosis.
Keywords: professional mobility, information and educational environment, adaptability, activity, creativity
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