Features of Educational and Methodological support Development of Teacher Professional Mobility

To confirm the relevance of the research topic, a multi-scientific analysis of scientific and educational literature was made. It was possible to identify the following: professional mobility as a subject of scientific interest in pedagogy has been studied for more than thirty years. The emphasis in defining this concept has shifted from representing mobility as a process to thinking about mobility as a personal quality, personal potential. This gives reason to assume that pedagogical influence can be exerted on its development.

Actual Directions of Primary General Education Development

Primary school is the most important stage in the life of every child, the period when there is a change of leadership, the development of a new social role and the formation of functional literacy in all the leading areas of personal development. This level of education is traditionally a platform for various pedagogical experiments, testing of normative documents and guidelines. Not an exception was the period of standardization of Russian education, the start of which was testing, and then the introduction of the Federal state educational standard of primary education (fgos).

Primary School Teacher’s Professional Mobility as a Significant Condition for the Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

 The article provides a brief overview of the types of mobility. We describe our analysis of groups of teachers of different ages in order to determine the level of formation of their professional mobility. 

A modern lesson in elementary school: Features of designing and secrets of skill

 The article presents a scientific and methodical analysis of lessons conducted by the participants of the regional competition of professional skills "My best lesson" for primary school teachers. It is noted that the competition is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding teacher Taisia Prokopievna Komarova, primary school teacher of the Krasnokameshok school of the Suzun district of the Novosibirsk region, Hero of Socialist Labor.
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