Interaction Between a Teacher and First-Year Students, Influencing the Development of Professional Competencies of Cadets

The purpose of the study is to study the interaction between a teacher and first-year students, which influences the formation of professional competencies of cadets at a military institute. Data from a survey of freshmen who entered the military institute in July 2023 were studied. Research methods. Search and analysis of scientific and methodological literature, psychological and pedagogical observation, general pedagogical methods (survey, conversation), questionnaires. Analysis and synthesis of literature on the issue under survey, empirical data, their study and research conclusions. A quantitative and qualitative characteristic of the cadets and the teacher is given, that determines the constructiveness of their interaction in the educational process. The author explains with the commensurability of relationships the creative nature of interaction between the participants in the educational process. In conclusion, we state that the aspect of interaction is repeated in different structures of the same category; the main relationship on the basis of which they can be compared is the form of similarity.
Keywords: teacher, first-year cadets, aspect of interaction, explanation of the meaning of the nature of the relationship
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