Speech Regulation of Behavior of a Child: Methodology &Technology

Statement of the problem. The success of learning both native and foreign languages at school largely depends on the level of speech maturity with which the student comes to the first grade. At the same time, despite the large number of technologies and methods of speech therapy correction that have proven their high effectiveness over the past decades, the number of children of early and preschool age with speech development disorders not only does not decrease, but even continues to grow. Due to the deterioration of the speech development of younger schoolchildren, preventive speech therapy is becoming increasingly popular today, the use of which is assumed at an early age. However, it should be recognized that even in the case of an early preventive approach, the general paradigm of helping a child remains “disease-centric — to prevent the occurrence of speech disorders. The purpose is to present the method of multifunctional speech training for children of the 3rd year of life, as one of the options for solving the problem of speech development disorders in young children, which involves special training of teachers within the framework of additional professional education. Methods and materials. The proposed author’s method of multisensory speech training for children is based on the “health-centric” paradigm, which is based on the strategy of domestic medicine “Health of the Healthy” (A. N. Razumov). The method was developed within the framework of a new medical-psychological-pedagogical direction called Sonatal pedagogy (from the Latin “sonus” — sound, “natal” — birth; music of birth), which involves the harmonization of the mental and physical development of the child in the course of ontogenesis, starting from prenatal age. The method of multifunctional speech training aimed at the full development of all four types of speech (motor, musical, artistic, verbal) is based on the school of voiced rhythmic breathing, which is carried out simultaneously with loads on other voluntary functional spheres of the child’s body (motor, emotional, cognitive, somato-biorhythmic, cardio-respiratory, immune-adaptive, and vocal-speech). To provide speech training, the method uses specially written series of song programs, with musical fairy tales and elements of theatricalization. The results of the method were evaluated using a specially developed comprehensive lingua test. Outcomes. In the course of the work, a positive trend in the indicators of speech development was obtained, which was revealed, among other things, using the author’s testing methods (rhyme-logotest, temporogotest, articulation maturity coefficient, etc.). Positive changes in the indicators of children’s functional development published by the author in earlier works are also mentioned. In conclusion , conclusions are formulated regarding the presented program of express testing of the results of speech training, as well as the positioning of a new pedagogical role — speech coach (linguogy), with a proposal to develop an independent direction of pedagogical research — pedagogy of speech coaching (linguogy). Keywords: preventive speech therapy, multifunctional speech training, speech behavior, lingua test, linguogogy, speech coach
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