Feedback as a tool for improving the quality of education

The article actualizes the problem of using feedback to improve the quality of education and defines its place in the new paradigm of education. The methodological basis of the study is the competence and reflexive approaches. The author analyzes the existing deficiencies of the established system of control and assessment in school practice and proposes target guidelines for their elimination. The phenomenon of feedback is considered in two focuses: pedagogical (with an emphasis on the content of training and on the teacher’s actions) and academic (on the student and his reflective skills). The main characteristics of quality feedback are considered, an algorithm for its delivery is proposed, the conditions under which it becomes an effective tool are determined, and targeted examples are given. The article provides methodological recommendations for providing and receiving quality feedback in the educational process. As a result, the text presents theoretical guidelines and practical examples of solving the stated problem. The results of the study will be useful for teachers of different levels of education.
Keywords: pedagogical feedback, academic feedback, control and assessment, dialogicity, reflexivity, quality of education
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