Feedback as a tool for improving the quality of education

The article actualizes the problem of using feedback to improve the quality of education and defines its place in the new paradigm of education. The methodological basis of the study is the competence and reflexive approaches. The author analyzes the existing deficiencies of the established system of control and assessment in school practice and proposes target guidelines for their elimination.

A modern lesson in elementary school: Features of designing and secrets of skill

 The article presents a scientific and methodical analysis of lessons conducted by the participants of the regional competition of professional skills "My best lesson" for primary school teachers. It is noted that the competition is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding teacher Taisia Prokopievna Komarova, primary school teacher of the Krasnokameshok school of the Suzun district of the Novosibirsk region, Hero of Socialist Labor.

The System of Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of the Principles of Thinking of the Primary Schoolchild The article

The article deals with the concept o f "principles o f thinking" and its role in the life of modern man. The necessity of developing skills o f solving open tasks in the educational process is substantiated, based on the identified contradictions between the demands of modern society and the level of quality o f education. The inconsistency o f identification of intellect and thinking is proved.

Behavioral Culture and Value-semantic Competence of the Teacher

The article examines the term "education" in the aspect of growing values of students. Special attention is paid to normative component of this issue, requirements and techniques of formation of axiological skills and age- psychological common factors and special aspects of this process development. Strong attention is paid to the cooperation between behavioral culture of a teacher and child-rearing practices.

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