
Psycho-functional Characteristics of Adolescents Teaching in Special and Specialized Classes

The article was devoted to the functional and psycho-physiological characteristics of adolescents situated in conditions of different types of learning. A comprehensive survey of the functional and physiological parameters of an organism of students was given. It was found that adolescents with the best physiological parameters compared with peers teaching in specialized classes had showed higher voltage of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems.

Keywords: cardiointervalography, teenagers, type of training, psychophysiology, specialized education.

Professional Tolerance of a Pedagogue. Humanitarian Education Methodology of Modern Schoolchildren

The article deals with the most significant changes of Russian humanitarian education methodology connected with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards. In the focus of our attention are teacher’s professional ethics and aesthetics and communicative behavior of participants in the educational process. Moreover we consider the problem of teacher’s readiness to solve exciting tasks by using modern teaching materials.

Keywords: methodological and psychological competence, the Federal State Educational Standards, Refresher courses.

Textbook as a Basic Means of Learning: Modern Requirements and Examination

The article is devoted to the results of Refresher courses for training expertson Russian teaching materials of new generation. We present our attempt to examine English textbook by Yu. Komarova and I. Larionova.

Keywords: activity system approach, the Federal State Educational Standard, choosing teaching materials.

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Project Activities as a Tool to Enhance Cognitive and Creative Abilities of Pupils at Russian Lessons and Outside School Hours

Recently there has been a tendency to constantly changing class collectives. Newly arrived students have a decreased motivation for learning activities, the low level of knowledge on specific disciplines and unformed learning skills. On the basis of problems in the last five years we have been working on the topic “Project Activities as a Tool to Enhance Cognitive and Creative Abilities of Pupils at Russian Lessons and Outside School Hours”.

Keywords: universal learning actions, project, individual and group forms of work.

The Use of Pedagogical Methods for the Development of Students’ Motivation at the Lessons of Russian Language and Literature

At the present time, when the educational system is undergoing major changes in connection the Federal State Educational Standards requirements, the issues related to the development of students’ motivation still remain relevant. Formed motivational sphere is an essential basis for child’s successful training activities. We share our experience of the development of students' positive motivation.

Keywords: motivational sphere, the use of modern teaching technologies, a set of methods, methods of critical thinking technology.

Project Activities as a Way to Develop Students’ Morality and Love of Country Through Love of Homeland

We share our experience of project activities on local history literaturein out-of-school time.

Keywords: literary hall, student-centered activities, project activity.

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Modern Russian Language Lesson and the Federal State Educational Standard Requirements

We consider a lesson as a form of organization of educational process, and describe some of the criteria of an effective lesson of the Russian language.

Keywords: modern lesson, the Federal State Educational Standard, universal learning actions, personal, metadiscipline, discipline results of learning.

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Moral Education at Literature Lessons

We raise the question of spiritual and moral development of students, the role of literature in educating highly moral person.

Keywords: spiritual and moral education, literature lesson, heuristic method of teaching.

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Actual Issues of Preparation and Holding of the All-Russian School Essay Contest

We present an overview of the issues discussed in the course of improving the professional competencies of teachers of Russian language and literature in the field of teaching methods of essay writing on the steps of the general and complete secondary general education.

Keywords: essay, training, speech creativity competence, writing.

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Teacher’s Professionalism as a Necessary Condition for the Federal State Educational Standard Realization Introduction to the Forum

In the article, we present some research results of the most significant and relevant aspects of professional education and self-improvement of a specialist in the field of teaching the humanities (philology, foreign languages, literature). The author attempts to draw the attention of the modern teachers to the need to solve problems of self-organization and self-realization quickly and in the context of the present Russian professional standard.

Keywords: information space, the standard of teacher’s professional education.

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