No. 6 (2015)Mini-case technology: Synthetic Reality at Foreign Language LessonsThis article is a detailed description of the mini-case method for learning a foreign language. We present our developed method based on the case learning. Keywords: case, synthesis, real situation, problem solving, inductive method. Metadisciplinary Approach to a Foreign Language TeachingWe examine in detail metadisciplinary approach to a foreign language teaching, and arise the problem of metadisciplinary lesson, and methods of its planning. Keywords: metadisciplinary lesson, metadisciplines, foreign language teaching as a field to form and use metadisciplinary connections, methods of organization of reflection. Modeling in Primary SchoolWe examine some types of modeling for different disciplines. Keywords: modeling, model. Modeling in Teaching Mathematics in Primary SchoolThe article is devoted to the modeling in mathematics lessons in primary school. We present some stages of work with the model, and examples of tasks. Keywords: modeling, mathematics lesson, metadisciplinary result. The Federal State Educational Standard: School Model of Educational SystemWe describe a model of extracurricular activities that has been realizing in the Novosibirsk secondary school No. 17. Keywords: the Federal State Educational Standard, model, extracurricular activities. The Development of Students’ Professional Competence in Teacher Training College in accordance with the Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational EducationIn the article we share our knowledge of the development of students’ professional competences in Teacher Training College No. 2, and give some examples of tasks. Keywords: professional competence, teaching activity, methodological problem. Using E-learning Resources in Mathematics for Primary SchoolWe describe some possibilities of using e-learning math resource Matific in primary school. Moreover we analyze the efficiency of e-learing resources for teaching, and propose our guidelines for using these resources at mathematics lessons. Keywords: electronic learning resources, Matific, mathematics, primary school, informatization. Monitoring the Level of Students' BreedingIn the article we deal with analyzing the results of schoolchildren’s breeding diagnostics in the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education, and search the possibilities of using information technology to optimize the monitoring of the breeding level. Keywords: efficiency of teaching, students' breeding, breeding level analysis, personal qualities, basic national values. The Change to the Federal State Educational Standards of Basic General Education: School Internal ReservesIn the article we discuss the technology of management, some ways to create conditions for the change to the new educational standards with the use of school internal resources. Keywords: command training course, school intramanagement, teacher’s professional work, methodological support for the change to the Federal State Educational Standard. Organizing Students’ Project-based ActivitiesThe article deals with the practical issues of organizing project-based activities in educational institutions. We present our experience of planning and carrying out of classroom and extracurricular activities of students, teachers and parents activities for the development of integrated educational school environment. Keywords: project-based activity, project, projects festival. Сайт поддерживается в Новосибирском институте повышения квалификации и переподготовки работников образования и является участником Новосибирской открытой образовательной сети |